Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Itai Updates

  • yesterday looked at me and suddenly uttered "aba". For some time he is doing bbbbbb near me, and mmmmmm near Colette. But this one was SPECTACULAR.
  • he started thinking. I cannot prove it, but it sure looks so. When you offer him a wooden block, for example, he now looks at it, look at you, looks back at the block, then looks around (is there a better block??) and only then reacts. This is new!
  • he started clinging to things, and pulling himself up & standing. Only for few seconds at a time, but he is pretty good at holding himself up.
  • A couple of days ago, he pulled a pear that Colette was eating, and started sucking at it. He did not want to let it go. Yummy! He is breast feeding only, but later we tried to give him a tiny tiny piece of avocado, and he put it in his mouth, then looked at us with a big ? in his eyes. Then wanted some more.
    So pretty soon, we'll be feeding him real food.

    This is it for today.


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