Monday, September 04, 2006

September 4th, 2006: Sausalito art festival

Look at the contrasts and the textures, I am a connoisseur.
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Itai has adopted some of Ima's manners. Here asking "donde?" with his hand

itai also knows how to stack the bowls in the right order, and then applaud himself.

Chic-chac, ready!

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Itai at play

Itai knows how to fit the rings

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For dinner: Raw eggplant casserole

And while Yori "un-cooks", Colette is on the phone
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Sauerkraut in the makings, the "old-fashioned' way

Yori is smashing the cabbage to release the juices. Other ingredients: grated carrots, dill, red onion, unrefined sun-dried salt and schizandra berries.

The cabbage will ferment in this air-locked crock for six weeks

And it is time for pickles again (remember last year?, just scroll down). They will be ready in 2 to 3 weeks
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Poeme d'un jour

Out! don't disturb the artist!

ooops, are you really leaving?

Don't go sooo far Ima !

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Itai's first artwork

Can I paint the lens too?
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Yaya's last day in Berkeley

Raw breakfast: Germinated nuts, berries, and freshly milked almonds.
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Yaya is visiting

Itai's favorite food is guacamole (he ate it all!)

I am done, please clean my tusik :)
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August 20th, 2006

Itai trying to get his new hat back from Ima

coucou! (I still have only one tooth!)

But I am so handsome noneheless

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Itai with the cart he got from tia Vivi.

Shipping veggies made in Egypt from organic cotton.

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